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Justitia in Mundo - Synopsis

Official format:
  • Introduction
  • 3 major paragraphs
  • Conclusion

  • Desperate situation of the poor nations of the world.
  • The growth of huge power blocks (US and Soviet Union) engaged in rivalry that occasioned huge military expense.
  • Inequitable distribution of world's resources. Therefore exploitation and imbalance of power.
  • Population explosion, especially in poorer countries
  • Environmental damage caused by human agents and societies.

  • After second Vatican, there were series of synods- 1967, 1969
  • Third one, 30th Sept- Nov 6, 1971.
  • Encourages the local churches to interpret its teachings to local needs.
  • Bishops admit that the church itself, very many times has not been a very good example , of practicing justice.
  • They back the efforts of UN to tackle injustice.
  • Urge upon the church, for greater effort in education for justice at every level.

Focus On:
·         The need for justice
·         the Gospel and the church within the Gospel
·         Action the Church can take
·         The hope of salvation

Major areas of Concern:
·         Gospel Mandate for justice
·         Right to development
·         Justice as Christian love
·         Education for justice
·         International Action

 To promote justice in a world marked by profound injustice.
1.      Structural injustices oppress humanity and stifle freedom to operate in the world.(#3)
2.       The dynamism of the gospel is consistent with the hopes of the people of today
3.      Action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the gospel, or in other words, of the church’s mission for  the redemption for human race and its liberation from every oppressive situation(#6)

1.                 Justice and World Society:
·         A modern Paradox:
Forces for achieving human dignity seem strong.
But so do forces of division.(arm race, economic injustice, lack of participation) (#9)
·         Affirms the right to development as basic right of human beings(#15)
·         Calls for personalization and a culturally sensitive modernization(#17-20)
·         Many who suffer injustice are voiceless; the church should speak on their behalf(#20)
·         Injustices listed:
Ø  Those to migrants and refugees
Ø  Religious persecution
Ø  Human rights violation
Ø  Political prisoners
Ø  War
Ø  Dishonest media
Ø  Anti family activity(#21-26)
·      Dialogue with the participation  of all, especially youth are needed to correct these injustices(#28)

II. Gospel Message and Mission of Christ:
A.    Scriptural Sources:
1.      People need to listen to the word of God to respond effectively to injustices(#29)
2.      OT views God as the liberator of the oppressed and  the defender of the poor(#30)
3.       Jesus gave himself for the liberation and salvation of all and associated himself with the lost.(#31)
4.      St Paul: Christian Life is the faith which sparks love of and service to neighbours(#33)

B.Justice and Love
·         Christians love of neighbors and justice can’t be separated (#34)
·         Preaching the gospel requires a dedication to the liberation in this world.

C. Role of the Church:
1.The gospel message gives the church the right and  duty to proclaim justice on all levels and to denounce instances of injustice(#36)

2.The role of the hierarchical church is not to offer concrete solutions to specific problems  but promote the dignity and rights of each individual(#37)

III. Practice of Justice
A) Witness of the Church:
1. Anyone who ventures to preach justice should be perceived as being just (#40)
2.Rights with the church must be respected  for all, especially women and lay people.(#43)
3.Rights include: decent wage, security, promotion, freedom of thought and expression, , proper judicial procedures, and participation in decision making process.(#45-46)
4. The lifestyle of the institutional church and all its  members must allow it to preach the good news to the poor(#48)

B) Education for Justice:
1. In developing countries, the aim is to awaken awareness of the concrete situation and strategies and alternatives for change (#51)
2).Family is the principle agent for this education, a continuing one(#54)
3). Catholic social teaching, the basic principles of the gospels applied, is the major for justice education(#56)
4). Liturgy and sacraments can serve justice education(#58)

C). Co-operation between the churches in rich and poor nations is essential for economic and Spiritual progress
D). ecumenical collaboration for justice is strongly supported (#61)
E). International Action:
1. Call for the UN declaration of human rights to be ratified by all nations (#64)
2. Support UN efforts to halt arms race, weapons trade and reach peaceful conflict resolution(#65)
3. Foster aims of the second development decade, including fair price for the raw materials, opening of markets,  and taxation on worldwide basis(#66)
4.Concentration of power should be changed; more participation needed(#67)
5.emphasizes the importance of UN specialized agencies in promoting justice.(#68)
6. Calls for funding for responsible  developments(#69)
7). Wealthy nations must be less materialistic and consume less(#70)

 A word of Hope:
Belief  and hope that the transformation of the created order already begun in the paschal mystery of Christ, and will continue in the alleviation of injustice and oppression.

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