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Easter - A Call to Life

'There has  never been a cloud which could hide the Sun in its bossom for long.'

A few years ago, on a holy saturday morning ( previous day of the easter sunday), asked me with curiosity, about the christian celebration of the passion week. He had witnessed the christian ceremonies like  way of the cross,  washing of the feet  by the priest etc. His basic question was, ' How can a person, beaten and abused by people, half naked, helpless, without any powers,who was killed- be called a God?

             Obviousely, the question/ curiosity  of my friend was genuine. I did not have an answer that would convince him .
Tonight ( Holy Saturday ) and tomorrow , Easter sunday, we see thousands of Christians , gather in their churches to celebrate- Easter. It is indeed a celebration of the resurrection of Christ. The Jesus  who was killed , is raised by God.Resurrection is a unique and never happened event in the history. In the bible itself, there are other cases, where the persons are raised from the dead; ex Lazarus.But after a while these people have natural death. This type of raising is called resassitation and not resurrection. Whereas resurrection is rising from the dead to live eternally. What christians celebrate today is, this resurrection of the Christ. This is the most basic and the fundamental belief of christian faith. The whole of Christ's suffering and death is seen in the light of resurrection.

            Often Greek philosophers, modern day psychologists, social analysts have argued God as the projection of the aspirations of human beings on an imaginary, powerful, supernaturally gifted being. Thus basically, God  means powerful.  My friend had an idea of a God,  who is Almighty. A weak and a fragile God can't be thought of. Jews of the Jesus' time expected a Messiah, who would be politically powerful. Thus Jesus, who thought to be the promised Messiah,by the Christians, never fit into the Messianic schemes of Jews. Naturally he was rejected and killed for his claims to be the Son of God.

I have met several christians and others, who have often asked me,  'Why does God allow us to suffer? I myself, have at times got stuck with the question, ' How to justify suffering?'
            In the popular religious traditions around the world, prevalent idea of a God,as someone who will appear in times of most  need, to save his people. By destroying the enemies/ evil/ suffering, god  brings joy to his people. Thus the popular image of a God is always of Glory and victory.

What is the response of a christian God to suffering? The answer is found in the christian celebrations of maundy thursday and good friday. Christian God, Christ doesn't promise to take away suffering, rather says, ' I too will suffer with you and die.' Isn't this a strange and an unthoughtful response from God.
We know that if an egg is broken by an outside force, leads to death, whereas if  the same egg is brken by the force within , then there is life. Similarly the christian scriptures speak of  Suffering, in the imagery of a Seed. It says, if a seed falls into the ground, breaks and decays, then there emerges new life, a new plant leading to a new tree. Therefoe, for a christian, death is not the final end, but always entails with it, the hope of rising. This is the easter message and I believe, this doesn't apply onnly to believing christians , but to all.
This day also reminds christians , that as God raised Christ so, he will raise all. The end is not the suffering and death, but joy and resurrection. Only difference is that, don't always wait for a supernatural god to come and change your suffering rather, each human is called to play his/ her part. This celebration of life also calls the faithful to work for the welfare of others.

 As there could be no tomb, which could keep Christ burried for long, so is suffering and death. Just like a seed that dies, bears much fruit, so is aour life. Thus the call of easter, is to be fully alive and active to the present and to be the people of light.

Please note:

 Christians believe in a triune God; they are God the Father, God the Son ( Christ) and the Spirit. Second person of this Trinity,k christ walked on this earth as jesus, who was fully human and fully divine. He was killed and raised and God)

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