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Baptism in Christianity Vs Circumcision in Islam

Introduction: Every religion has its own ways and means to initiate and incorporate the new born or the faithful to the religion. These act as a sign through which the person is introduced and accepted in particular faith tradition.
These rites of passage are different in different religions, but we cannot deny the basic underlying commonalities in beliefs and practices. These rites stress the importance of a particular religion and help in building and identifying the communities with their foundational experience.
Here I am making an effort to compare and contrast Circumcision, a rite of passage in Islam with Baptism in Christianity.
Baptism in Christianity:
Baptism is one of the first and the most important sacraments in the catholic practice. Baptism of John the Baptist in the Jordan, he baptizing Jesus and Jesus’ mission discourse in the bible serves as a basis for this event. Baptism came in as a sacrament in the later stages, after the death of Jesus taking his inspiration and in an attempt to imitate him. John, baptized people with water, and called for repentance. Jesus preached the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Baptism is one of the important rites of passage or initiation to the faith. It’s a sign of transformation from the former state t the new state of identity in Christ. This has the symbolic meaning of purification and renewal.  It sites at the liberation from the power of darkness and makes one sharer in the paschal mystery and divine life of Christ.
The Christian baptism is in continuity with the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins’ preached by John the Baptist. Thus this is an expression of faith and repentance evidences forgiveness of sins, is linked to the gift of the Holy Spirit and acts as initiation into Christian fellowship. Baptism incorporates us into Christianity and forms us into God’s people. It pardons us from all our sins and rescues us from the power of darkness and brings us to the dignity of adopted children, as children of God. It opens a door to the new life and incorporates us into church. It’s not a momentary action but lasts for life time.
Immersion in the water found its new meaning in the baptism of Christ. Through Christian baptism, the person is ushered into the salvation and the redemption that is established through Jesus.
4 Motives of Christian baptism:
  • Qualitative change in the person
  • Purification from Sins.
  • Gift of God’s spirit.
  • Incorporation in the community of salvation.
Ministers of Baptism: Bishops, priests or deacons, especially on Easter vigil. In case of danger and unavailability any faithful, with the right intention can baptize. It is normally celebrated in the presence of the faith community.
Clean Water; Formula: I baptize you, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit; Oils: OC and SC; White Cloth; Candle (Light).
Who should be baptized and when:
  • Faithful, seeking to grow in the Christian faith is eligible for baptism.
  • Child baptism is encouraged in many places; adult baptism too is prevalent, in several areas.
Circumcision in Islam:
Islam is still one of the largest single religious groups to circumcise boys. This is also known as ‘TAHARA’-meaning purification. The practice of circumcision goes back to the time of the origin of Semitic religions where at some point or the other, was wandering in the desert or originated there. Thus among men, circumcision in these context was more for a purification and health perspective than any religious meaning. As the time passed it picked up the religious meaning and got incorporated as an integral part of the religious practice. It may be adopted from the Jewish tradition. It is also seen as the submission to the will of God. Male circumcision is more stressed.
As there is mention of baptism in Christianity-a rite of initiation, there is no such mention about circumcision in Quran. Rather it is mentioned in the Sunnah(Prophet Mohammad’s recorded words and action). He stated circumcision as a law for men. It’s also seen as a rite of passage for manhood.
The main reason given for circumcision is cleanliness. It’s essential for every Muslim to wash before prayer. Thus Muslims believe that it’s important to remove the foreskin, as it keeps the penis from the urine getting trapped. It also has a medical and health reasons.
Circumcision in majority of Muslims seen as a rite of initiation into the faith of  Islam and belonging.
When and where can they be circumcised?
·         There is no particular age for circumcision, though in some places from seventh day after birth to puberty. In some country’s boys are circumcised after they have recited the whole of Quran.
·         Circumcision is usually carried out in a clinic or a hospital. It need not be done by a Muslim but has to be medically trained.
·         Can be performed in childhood or to adulthood.
Is it Compulsory?
Circumcision is encouraged as an important rite of passage in Islam, but is not compulsory; strongly encouraged but not forced. There are also people who believe that circumcision is linked with the covenant of YHWH with Abraham.
Religious Meaning:
It is also believed that Mohammad was born without foreskin. Thus circumcision is seen as a noble way of identifying of being like this saint. An Islam scholar Dr Bashir says, “ Every Muslim is expected to follow the way and the life of prophet Mohammad. Therefore all have to follow this ritual.
Some similarities between Circumcision and Baptism:
  • Both are rites of passage.
  • It is a ritual with a deeper, hidden inner meaning of belongingness.
  • Incorporation into the community.
  • Sign of purity.
  • Like Islam, Christianity too had this practice in the initial stage.
Some Differences:
Baptism in Christianity.
Circumcision in Islam
Has Scriptural basis.
Does not have scriptural basis.
Not Compulsory.
Sign of Initiation into faith.
Sign of passage to manhood or puberty.
More a religious reason.
Medical importance
Only in grave situation, with a right intention a non Christian can give baptism.
In general, the circumciser need not be a Muslim
Need the presence of faith community(Generally)
Faith community need not be present during the circumcision.
Sign of inner  purification and repentance
An attempt to be like Mohammad.
All are equal sharers, men and women.
Women are exempted, if necessary.


Baptism and circumcision give meaning and identity to the the people of that faith. These are nothing but external signs of an inner disposition towards the divine. Belongingness and meaning that these signs or sacraments provided, keep us moving, with hope of creating a new earth and new heavens, being faithful to our religious traditions.

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