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Call to be Pilgrims to Respond to the Signs of Our Times

The rising restlessness leading to crime and chaos, the ever increasing global quest for authentic spiritual experience forcing people to look for something new every time and global consciousness of deep
interdependence in the one world  hints at the fact that we are at the dawn of a new era in the human history. Human more than ever is in search of his roots and the purpose of his existence today and the tremors can be felt around the globe and especially in our own country.

Today our organized societal structures including religion seem to be going bankrupt, failing to respond to the crisis of our times. Even you and I, priests and religious have little idea of how to deal with the ongoing chaos and turmoil around us as our long learnt readymade theories prove ineffective.

A Mystical wind blows over the world today crossing all boundaries of religions and cultures. Sensitivity to the ultimate mystery is awakened even in scientists, philosophers and artists….The crisis felt in the traditional circles of Christianity is a pointer to the call of the spirit to explore the deeper dimensions of faith.[1]

Our times are inviting us to move deeper and listen to the whispers of the spirit with an open heart, willing to read and learn from the signs of our times. We too, like our great forefathers are called to walk through life as pilgrims. I believe, only a pilgrim can understand the deeper nuances of the present global crisis and find a fitting response to our troubled times.

Who is a Pilgrim…?
The word ‘pilgrim’ refers to someone who undertakes a journey to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion. Reading a little deeper, a pilgrim is someone who consciously is in search of deeper existential questions. We understand that the reality around us is mysterious and I believe, it unfolds itself to an authentic seeker. In fact human is a part and parcel of this mysterious reality. Thus there is an inbuilt urge in human to know, to love and to be in relation to (connected) this mystery. Hence will I be wrong when I say, that we humans have a sense of insecurity in this world and we look for safer harbours?
   We often meet people, of different religions, going on pilgrimages to various sacred places. These pilgrimages are nothing but a witness to faith. One may very well understand that a spiritual pilgrim seeks for a divine experience and hence on his/her journey, the pilgrim is ready for the unseen hardships, uncertainties and sacrifices. A pilgrim, having willingly undertaken the journey, loves it and is prepared for the imminent surprises on his way. The external context provides the pilgrim with an opportunity for a conscious inner journey.

We as humans on this earth, constantly question life and reality around, but at the same time there is an inbuilt openness willing to know and accept the unfolding of the mysterious reality. This tells us that we are intrinsically pilgrims. Though the pilgrim nature is innate to us very often in our daily routine overshadowed by the busy living of modern times, we fail to deal with life and its unforeseen challenges with the same attitude (pilgrim).

Biblical Pilgrims
Bible especially the Old Testament overwhelms with the themes of pilgrimage. Gen 22 gives us an account of Abraham’s 3 day journey to Mount Moriah, mountain of the Lord, to offer him a burnt offering. The horrifying demand to offer his only son as sacrifice and the uncertainties at every point, eventually results in an ever deeper relationship between YHWH and Abraham and blessings that followed. Gen 32, highlights pilgrim Jacob(Israel)’s relation to YHWH. Ex 6 presents us yet another pilgrimage pattern where Journey of Moses, first alone and then with Israelites, to the Holy Mountain where they receive their call and commission in the presence of YHWH. Ps 23 tells us that the world as it is truly is and in the midst of an ongoing transformation by God. The trust and surrender of the Psalmist serves as a ray of light to every pilgrim.

The New Testament is a witness to Jesus’ pilgrimage to his Father. On his earthly pilgrimage from Bethlehem to Calvary, there were several moments where Jesus received the unfolding of the hidden mysteries. At Jordan, during his baptism, he was revealed of his identity as the beloved son. The event of transfiguration provides him with the clarity of his further journey as a pilgrim. And finally his helpless death on the Calvary, hanging between 2 pieces of wood, paved way to life eternal. The outcome of his life as a pilgrim that saw unforeseen challenges and struggles was extraordinary as it opened new horizons to humanity.

 Jesus as the pilgrim of the Father, did realize on his journey that:
·         The Father sent me (Jn 3, 17; 4, 34; 5, 36-38; 7, 28-29): A clear understanding of his roots.
     I am in the Father and the Father is in me (Jn 8, 28; 14, 10): On his pilgrimage on earth, Jesus is revealed of his constant, ongoing presence in the Father. (Partial incompleteness  yet total completeness, by being in the Father)

·         The Father and I are one (Jn 10, 30; 17, 11; 21, 22): Conviction and clarity of who he really is.
Jesus’ pilgrim approach to life that meant listening, interpreting and responding creatively to the signs of the time resulted in bringing about a fresh wave in the traditional Judaism. Infact, through Jesus, the Father revealed himself to us, humans.

Does pilgrim Jesus have anything to tell us today?

 Pilgrim, on his Journey…
Taking inspiration from the scriptures, I come to the conclusion that on the pilgrim journey one experiences:
·         Purification: Profound openness of a pilgrim, leads to a process of purification, which gives him/ her greater clarity of the reality around. This possibly happened to the Israelites on their journey through wilderness.

·         Revelation and affirmation of one’s individual identify: Though the Old Testament, largely speaks of the collective identity of Israel, it is very likely that each of those who entered the Promised Land, were tested and purified, only to come to believe of their individual identity as a child of YHWH, beyond the collective identity.

·        Clarity of Purpose: Pilgrim also realizes the purpose of his existence, the reason for which he is created for, only by being open to the present. ( Having a fresh look at the present opposed to looking through traditional/ institutionalized window)

Signs of Our Times
We live in a sophisticated yet a chaotic world, where might rules the day. If ISIS has created an atmosphere of terror at the global level, we Indian Christians are threatened by the uproar of Hindu extremists. Ghar Wapsi, rising violence against minorities, push for the anti conversion law, unending church attacks and many such events do tell us that human is busy today trying to protect religion and so trying to protect GOD. Isn’t this an anomaly?

The recent record breaking controversial Hindi Movie – PK challenges the Organized institutional structure of religion. There is an interesting argument in the movie in the temple scenario between a shopkeeper and PK(an alien trying to understand religion and God).  Having bought the statue of a god, PK realizes that it’s not functioning and rushes to return it to the shopkeeper, saying, “God is not working. His battery must be down.” Perplexed shopkeeper tries to convince PK saying, that “there is nothing wrong. I myself created it with my own hands…” PK, not able to understand the logic behind asks a further question, “Did you create God or God created you?”

As said earlier people today are desperately trying to protect God (human made) which is the biggest lacuna of our times. But does God, who is almighty, who created the universe- need our protection…? But such illogical acts shouldn’t distract us from reading the work of the spirit, for God can write straight through crooked lines.

Our God is a God who walked with his people and revealed himself in the human history.  Hence we need to listen to the whispers of the spirit and the promptings of the divine in the present historical setting of our times. What then are the signs of our times pointing us to? What does the rising restlessness in the human heart, so often expressed through heinous crimes, invite us to? What does the spirit through the increasing threat to us as Christians and as religious today in the Indian context, trying to reveal? What does the actions of Pope Francis- head of the church, renewing the Vatican even amidst the increasing dissatisfaction of the traditionalists tell us?

Call of the Spirit
For long we have been looking at life and the world around through the structured and the institutionalized window giving little room to the working of the spirit, may it be in the realm of religion or in the political, social or cultural spheres. Institutionalized theories have over powered the ongoing revelations(through signs of our times) leading to a sense of lethargy and negative energy in the human community, with no room for freshness. I believe the reality around us is forcing us as a community (human) to be open to the fresh wind of the spirit that is blowing over the world. It is time now for us, prompted by the signs of our times to be aware and live out the pilgrim nature, which is innate to us humans on this universe. This pilgrim way will help us to find our real identity in the midst of an ongoing transformation of the world. Looking at life through pilgrim window might reveal us things unknown, waiting to be disclosed, at this point in the human history.

The historical developments of religions have always shown openness to the authentic divine experiences in other religions. Does that not point us that the history is slowly leading us to a Religion beyond religions? As Teilhard de Chardin says in his book, ‘Phenomenon of Man’, the whole universe is on a move in a direction and will eventually meet at the Omega Point. The chaotic present around us could very well be understood as, an attempt of the mysterious reality inviting us to be attentive to its unfolding in our present historical setting. Are we not slowly moving towards a point where God is gathering all things in him? (Eph 1, 10)
Do the words of St Augustine, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you”, have any message to our present context? As St Paul hints in 1 Cor 13,12a, I believe the reality around is slowly drawing us to the depths, where we finally meet the divine face to face.

            As mentioned earlier, no longer the mere theories and the institutionalized responses will serve as solutions to our present. Hence the call to you and to me is to live out our pilgrim nature on this universe, to listen with profound openness to the reality, and respond creatively.  

World has seen enough intellectuals trained in the traditional school of life with readymade answers. Our chaotic times are longing for true pilgrims. Can you and I, the priests and religious of today, be true pilgrims in these momentous times?  Can we be pilgrim priests /pilgrim religious, who are courageous enough to listen to whispers of the spirit that might be announcing the dawn of a new era in the human history?

  1. Painadat, Sebastian, Spiritual Co –Pilgrims, Claratian Publications, Philipines,  2014.
2.      Smith, Mark, The Pilgrimage Patterns in Exodus, Sheffield Academy Press, England, 1997.
3.      Chardin,  Teilhard, The Phenomenon of Man,   Harper and Row Publications, New York, 1959.

[1] Sebastian, Painadat, Spiritual Co –Pilgrims, Claratian Publications, Philippines, 2014, pg xi.

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